Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sweet Karoline's 2 Year Update!

It's hard to believe my little baby turned two this month! I know all parents say it, but time has really flown! She has grown and changed so much over the past year. She's so smart, independent and really funny! Like really, really funny :) She always keeps us laughing and her curiosity definitely keeps me on my toes! She in nothing short of pure joy and my heart overflows with love for her <3

This is little k at 2 years old :

* She weighs 27 pounds!! This is an average weight, but at 1 she only weighed 20 pounds (quite a bit lower than average) . Most toddlers only gain around 3 pounds between 1 and 2 years and she gained 7!! That's most likely because we found she has lactose tolerance problem and when we changed her milk her tummy stopped being so upset and her food stuck around a little longer :)

* She is 35.5 inches tall which puts her in the 88% percentile. She has tall genes so that's no surprise :)

* She is a really good eater! She will eat anything you put in front of her. Her favorites are chicken, broccoli, strawberries and cheese of any kind. She also had her first taste of peanut butter recently and is very fond of it!

* Her speech is developing very nicely. She chatters all the time and repeats everything we say. I'm proud to say she uses please and thank you almost always without having to be told! She wears quite the bossy little pants and doesn't mind letting you know if things aren't they way she would like them to be :)

* She has a definite opinion on her clothing. Her older sister was the exact same way and so I've learned it's not a battle I want to fight. I think it's the one thing she feels like she can control at her young age. I think it's important to let them have a little independence.

* Speaking of independence, she definitely insists on doing everything by herself. Some her most use phrases are, "I try." and "Stoooop! Leave me alone!" It makes me a little sad that she isn't a baby anymore and doesn't depend on me quite so much and sometimes I want to pull my hair out with frustration, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love that she is growing into an independent, strong willed little girl <3

* Her current obsessions are horses of any kind and her big sister. She does EVERYTHING her big sister does. And lucky for her, she has a very patient and loving big sister :)

* She has been a wonderful sleeper the past year! The first year she was back and forth with how well she would do. Now she sleeps 12 hours at night and on most days takes a 2 hour nap! A couple times a week she won't take one, but she will always lay down and rest for 30 minutes or so. I do cherish her sleep time because when she is awake she is a non-stop ball of energy!

Well, that pretty well summarizes Karoline at 2 years of age :) Here are few current pictures of her from her birthday party!

Birthday morning! Opening her roller skates just like big sisters! (almost:)

Cheesin' with Nana Donna

Posing with her Elmo cupcake cake!

Looking at ducks with Papa Paul <3

Blowing bubbles with Aunt Hollie :)

Blowing bubbles with her cousin, Cooper. I LOVE this picture!

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