Monday, August 4, 2014

Ezra's 3 months!

 I'm a week late, but our sweet boy is 3 months!This was a big month for our big boy! The biggest development was his sleeping! He started consistently sleeping for 5-6 hours at a time!! It's been lovely! He also laughed for the first time! I now spend most if my day trying to make him laugh :)
 We started the month with several firework shows to celebrate Independence Day. I wasn't sure how he would react, but it didn't bother him one bit. He actually enjoyed it quite a bit!

He also did a lot of traveling this month. On the 14th we went to New Jersey and New York City. Big sisters stayed with their Nanas so it was just the 3 of us. E did wonderful on all the flights! Not a single peep the entire flight! 

We were tagging along with Daddy for a work trip, so it was just Ezra and I most of the time. It was really nice getting to spend some one-on-one time with him. We had originally planned on going into NYC a couple of evenings after Chance got off of work. Unfortunately, it rained. A lot! Ever. Single. Day. So, Chance wasn't able to go into the city with us. But, we did spend an evening in Hoboken. We made the same trip back in February and that is when I fell in love with this cute little town. So I was excited to go back with our little guy! We had dinner at 'The Taco Truck' and hung out at the park that has the best view of Manhattan, hands down! 

Finally, on the day before we were to leave it stopped raining and beautiful weather was forecasted. Since Chance and I had to work I decided that Ezra and I would take on the big city by ourselves. 

We loaded up and took the train from NJ to NY Penn station. NYC is easy to get around and navigate and contrary to what I had read, it's very stroller friendly. In fact, everywhere we went someone asked if I needed help getting the stroller on/off or up/down. I found that in general, New Yorkers are quite friendly! Ezra did really well and we definitely made the most of our day! 

The Bryant Park carousel. A beautiful little park that provided us with a nice place to rest and nurse. 

The view from top of "The Rock". By far the best $30 spent! It was the most amazing view! I'm so glad we did it. We spent an hour up there. Also, the staff at Rockefeller Plaza are incredibly friendly and helpful! If you only get to do one thing in NYC this would be my pick!!

Our last stop before making our way back was Central Park. We didn'take it here during our first trip and I was so excited to go. It didn't disappoint! It was even more beautiful than I thought it would be and it was HUGE! We watched a dodgeball game and relaxed it the green grass. 

During my first trip to Times Square I was disappointingly unimpressed. It was entirely too crowded and packed with tourist. I didn't plan on going back, bit it was on my way back to the train station. I had already walked so much and I didn't want to take a longer route to avoid it. I'm so glad I did! Yes, it was packed with people, but Ezra LOVED all of the bright lights! It was worth the chaos!
We ended the month with a trip to San Antonio. It was too hot to do a lot, but Ezra and his big sisters did a LOT of swimming! He enjoyed his first swim :)
One thing he didn't enjoy was all of the driving. I don't see anymore road trips in our near future :)

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