Today marks 13 years ago since the biggest American tragedy that has happened in my lifetime. September 11, 2001 will always be burned in my memory. I will never forget where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news. I remember the images and emotions of that day like it was yesterday. Just as much as I remember the feelings and emotions of that day, I remember the following days and the feeling of pride that took over our great country. How we pulled together as a nation and leaned on one another for support. I'm still so proud of how, even 13 years later, we have not forgotten. We have made sure that the ones who lost their lives that day are remembered and honored. This date never passes by unnoticed and the heavy feeling that comes with it never goes away.
Back in February I was very lucky to be able to see one of the ways we have honored those who lost their lives. While on a short trip to NYC we visited the 9/11 Memorial. The victims of that horrible day are beautifully remembered and everyone,especially the families of those lost who didn't have remains to place in a grave to visit, have a peaceful memorial to visit. It was an experience I will never forget and I'm so thankful that I had the opportunity. It was in the midst of a snow storm so the pictures aren't the best, but I'm happy to share the ones I have. If you ever have the chance to see it, do not pass it up. I also highly suggest visiting St. Paul's Chapel right across the street. It was a gathering place for all of the search and rescue teams to rest and get something to eat. There are still letters, pictures and other mementos from that time.
Names of New York Firefighters lost. |
Flight 175 |
Those lost at the Pentagon. |
Flight 93 (Because of the snow, not all sides of the pools were accessible so I wasn't able to get a photo of flight 11 and flight 77.) |
Things left at ground zero. |
Patches from emergency crews from across the country who helped in the following weeks. |
These are strings of origami peace cranes that were sent by school children and other groups from Japan.
May we never stop remembering the victims of that day and strive to keep their memories alive so that generations after us know their stories and the sacrifices made.
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