Monday, August 19, 2013

Unexpected Blessings.

I'm a planner. I like to control things. While I know those aren't my best qualities, I'm happiest if my life is running on a smooth,predictable schedule. 

Sometimes, God has to surprise me with something unexpected to give a little reminder that I'm in fact NOT in control and that HIS plans and timing are perfect. Usually it's just something small. A subtle hint that I need to let go and listen to what He has to say. But, then sometimes he gives big surprises. Like this: 

Yeah. That wasn't exactly written in my planner. 

We always knew we wanted 3 babies so I guess it's not as surprising as if I had planned on quitting at 2. My first 2 babies were very planned, so when I got that positive pregnancy test I was overcome  with excitement and happiness. I can't really name the emotion I felt about this one. I wasn't mad or upset. I was just shocked and maybe in a little bit of denial. I felt bad for not being excited, but that's just not how I felt. 

After a couple of days, with the help of seeing hubs' excitement, I finally started getting excited. Now I'm ready to start planning, not too much though, the arrival of this little unexpected blessing :)

I didn't have this little blog with my first 2 babies and I'm super excited to get to share weekly updates! I'll try to do a small "bump date" every Monday including a belly shot. Check back every week to watch our journey of becoming a family of 5!

There's not a lot to share this week. Other than a little fatigue I'm feeling great right now. I'm only 5 weeks so there's obviously not a bump. With my first I didn't have one until around 19 or 20 weeks, but with the second it was around 12 weeks. So, I expect to see one in the near future :)


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