You can find Part 1 of our Colorado vacation, here :)
On Sunday we left Denver for Telluride. We stopped right outside of town at a Danish bakery that my SIL and her family like to occasionally get breakfast. Oh. My. Goodness. I have never tasted such sweet goodness! They had the most delicious pastries you can imagine. I had two and no regrets :)
On our way to Telluride we took the slightly longer route through the mountains. It was an absolutely beautiful drive and I would say it was worth the extra time! I just love the mountains and enjoyed seeing all of the cute little mountain towns on the way.
The beautiful valleys were one of my favorite parts of the scenery. I use the term "valley" loosely because although they were flat they were still at an insanely high elevation. They were beautiful and filled with livestock. It looks like a piece of western Oklahoma plopped on top of a mountain. I can just see myself living in a big log cabin right in the middle....until the first snowfall and then I'm out :) |
Blue Mesa Reservoir. We will definitely be coming here to stay one day! |
I've seen a lot of beautiful oceans in every color blue, but I have never seen water this color. It was beautiful and unfortunately, the camera didn't capture it's distinct color. |
We arrived in Telluride on Sunday evening. I was certainly expecting beautiful scenery, but I was shocked at how beautiful it was. I've done a fair amount of traveling in the US and I've been to Colorado several times, but this was by far the prettiest place I've ever been!
The view from our hotel. |
This is their transportation system. They are gondolas that are completely free for everyone to use. They take you back and forth between the upper mountain villages and downtown. It was nice to have to worry about driving/parking and it offered beautiful views!

The view from the gondola looking down. |
The girls and I on our first ride. |
She LOVED it! |
Cousins <3 |
Love this one! |
Our hotel room was in a great location. Our back door opened up to a flat grassy area for the kids to run and play. They especially liked playing on jumping off of the big rock!
Super Axel! |
I just love this picture! It looks like she's jumping so high :) |
They were best buds all week! |
I love this one. She was eating a piece of ice she found on the ground and she was trying to hide it from me :) She's so ornery! |
This looks really sweet, but she's actually trying to push him off the rock :) |
Sweet girl <3 |
Love this one! |
The pool was definitely their favorite part of the entire vacation!
 She really took to the water while we were there!
Kennedy had her mind set on seeing a waterfall while we were there. There was one visible in the distance from downtown, but one day we loaded up and set out to get a closer look!
Bridal Veil Falls |
This is the one visible from downtown...barely :) |
She was so excited to finally see one! Notice her Chaco sandals that we bought specifically for this. She's not crazy about them, but I think they're adorable :) |
That's a pretty good overview of the few days we spent there. We all had a wonderful time and we look forward to returning one day! Maybe during ski season??? I'll have part 3 up soon. It will cover something special that my big girl and I did :)
6 days of vacation? Wow! That's sounds a whole week of fun and it's quite obvious as your kids looks happy in all of their pictures. You definitely captured the best moments you had in this vacation and beautiful scenery that you have seen. I hope you have more in years to come. Robert @