Monday, February 24, 2014

32 Week Update.

32 weeks and only 56 more days!! Time is flying by and we are getting excited about meeting our sweet boy <3

How many weeks along? 32 Weeks
How big is baby?  He is just under 4 pounds and a bit over 16 inches!!!
Total weight gain? Around 20...thanks to the holidays I caught up ;)
Maternity clothes? Yes. 
Stretch marks? Luckily, no!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!
Labor signs? Thankfully no. 
Happy or moody? Mostly happy :)
Sleep? Sleep? What's that?
Exercise? Uh no. I can't breathe justing sitting here let alone exerting any extra energy :( This has been a big disappointment!!
Miss anything? Breathing and sleeping. 
Movement? Yep. Now that he's bigger it's less kicking and more pushing/rolling. 
Cravings? Milk. I've never been a big milk drinker, but I have been hooked this whole pregnancy!!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!
Anything your looking forward to? Uhhhh...having this baby haha :) My prenatal appointments are more frequent now so that's exciting getting to hear the little guy more often!!